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Install KubeRay and Neuron Devices

Before deploying the node pools and Ray Serve Cluster on EKS, it's important to have the necessary tools in place for the workloads to be properly configured.

Applying KubeRay Operator for Ray Service Cluster

Deploying Ray Cluster on Amazon EKS is supported via the KubeRay Operator, a Kubernetes-native method for managing Ray Clusters. As a module, KubeRay simplifies the deployment of Ray applications by providing three unique custom resource definitions: RayService, RayCluster, and RayJob.

To install the KubeRay Operator, apply the following commands:

~$helm repo add kuberay
"kuberay" has been added to your repositories
~$helm install kuberay-operator kuberay/kuberay-operator --version 1.2.0
NAME: kuberay-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jul 24 14:46:13 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Once KubeRay has been properly installed, we can check that it exists under the default namespace:

~$kubectl get pods
NAME                                READY   STATUS   RESTARTS   AGE
kuberay-operator-6fcbb94f64-mbfnr   1/1     Running  0          17s

Install Neuron Devices

The Neuron device plugin Kubernetes manifest files need to be installed into the EKS Cluster to allow Karpenter to properly provision Inferentia-2 instances.

This allows pods to have the resource requirement of, enabling the Kubernetes Scheduler to provision a node demanding accelerated machine learning workloads.


You can learn more about Neuron Device Plugins in the AIML Inference module provided in this workshop.

We can deploy the role using the following command:

~$kubectl apply -f
~$kubectl apply -f
serviceaccount/neuron-device-plugin created created created
daemonset.apps/neuron-device-plugin-daemonset created

This properly exposes the Neuron cores and grants Karpenter the appropriate permissions to provision pods demanding accelerated workloads.