AZ Failure Experiment Setup
Scaling Instances
To see the full impact of an Availability Zone (AZ) failure, let's first scale up to two instances per AZ as well as increase the number of pods up to 9:
~$export ASG_NAME=$(aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --query "AutoScalingGroups[? Tags[? (Key=='eks:cluster-name') && Value=='eks-workshop']].AutoScalingGroupName" --output text)
~$aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \
--auto-scaling-group-name $ASG_NAME \
--desired-capacity 6 \
--min-size 6 \
--max-size 6
~$sleep 60
~$kubectl scale deployment ui --replicas=9 -n ui
~$timeout 10s ~/$SCRIPT_DIR/ | head -n 30
ui-6dfb84cf67-xbbj4 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 1s
ui-6dfb84cf67-4fjhh 1/1 Running 0 5m20s
ui-6dfb84cf67-gkrtn 1/1 Running 0 5m19s
ui-6dfb84cf67-7rfkf 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 4s
ui-6dfb84cf67-7qnkz 1/1 Running 0 5m23s
ui-6dfb84cf67-n58b9 1/1 Running 0 5m23s
ui-6dfb84cf67-8xfk8 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 8s
ui-6dfb84cf67-s55nb 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 8s
ui-6dfb84cf67-lvdc2 1/1 Running 0 5m26s
Setting up a Synthetic Canary
Before starting the experiment, set up a synthetic canary for heartbeat monitoring:
First, create an S3 bucket for the canary artifacts:
~$export BUCKET_NAME="eks-workshop-canary-artifacts-$(date +%s)"~$aws s3 mb s3://$BUCKET_NAME --region $AWS_REGIONmake_bucket: eks-workshop-canary-artifacts-1724131402
Create the blueprint:
# Get Ingress URL
INGRESS_URL=$(kubectl get ingress -n ui -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
# Create the required directory structure
mkdir -p nodejs/node_modules
# Create the Node.js canary script with heartbeat blueprint
cat << EOF > nodejs/node_modules/canary.js
const { URL } = require('url');
const synthetics = require('Synthetics');
const log = require('SyntheticsLogger');
const syntheticsConfiguration = synthetics.getConfiguration();
const syntheticsLogHelper = require('SyntheticsLogHelper');
const loadBlueprint = async function () {
const urls = ['http://${INGRESS_URL}'];
// Set screenshot option
const takeScreenshot = true;
// Configure synthetics settings
continueOnStepFailure: true,
includeRequestHeaders: true,
includeResponseHeaders: true,
restrictedHeaders: [],
restrictedUrlParameters: []
let page = await synthetics.getPage();
for (const url of urls) {
await loadUrl(page, url, takeScreenshot);
// Reset the page in-between
const resetPage = async function(page) {
try {
await page.goto('about:blank', {waitUntil: ['load', 'networkidle0'], timeout: 30000});
} catch (e) {
synthetics.addExecutionError('Unable to open a blank page. ', e);
const loadUrl = async function (page, url, takeScreenshot) {
let stepName = null;
let domcontentloaded = false;
try {
stepName = new URL(url).hostname;
} catch (e) {
const errorString = \`Error parsing url: \${url}. \${e}\`;
throw e;
await synthetics.executeStep(stepName, async function () {
const sanitizedUrl = syntheticsLogHelper.getSanitizedUrl(url);
const response = await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: ['domcontentloaded'], timeout: 30000});
if (response) {
domcontentloaded = true;
const status = response.status();
const statusText = response.statusText();
logResponseString = \`Response from url: \${sanitizedUrl} Status: \${status} Status Text: \${statusText}\`;
if (response.status() < 200 || response.status() > 299) {
throw new Error(\`Failed to load url: \${sanitizedUrl} \${response.status()} \${response.statusText()}\`);
} else {
const logNoResponseString = \`No response returned for url: \${sanitizedUrl}\`;
throw new Error(logNoResponseString);
// Wait for 15 seconds to let page load fully before taking screenshot.
if (domcontentloaded && takeScreenshot) {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 15000));
await synthetics.takeScreenshot(stepName, 'loaded');
// Reset page
await resetPage(page);
exports.handler = async () => {
return await loadBlueprint();
# Zip the Node.js script
python3 - << EOL
import zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as zipf:
zipf.write('nodejs/node_modules/canary.js', arcname='nodejs/node_modules/canary.js')
# Ensure BUCKET_NAME is set
if [ -z "$BUCKET_NAME" ]; then
echo "Error: BUCKET_NAME environment variable is not set."
exit 1
# Upload the zipped canary script to S3
aws s3 cp "s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/canary-scripts/"
echo "Canary script has been zipped and uploaded to s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/canary-scripts/"
echo "The script is configured to check the URL: http://${INGRESS_URL}"Place this canary blueprint into the bucket:
~$~/$SCRIPT_DIR/create-blueprint.shupload: ./ to s3://eks-workshop-canary-artifacts-1724131402/canary-scripts/
Canary script has been zipped and uploaded to s3://eks-workshop-canary-artifacts-1724131402/canary-scripts/
The script is configured to check the URL:
Create a synthetic canary with a Cloudwatch alarm:
~$aws synthetics create-canary \--name eks-workshop-canary \--artifact-s3-location "s3://$BUCKET_NAME/canary-artifacts/" \--execution-role-arn $CANARY_ROLE_ARN \--runtime-version syn-nodejs-puppeteer-9.0 \--schedule "Expression=rate(1 minute)" \--code "Handler=canary.handler,S3Bucket=$BUCKET_NAME,S3Key=canary-scripts/" \--region $AWS_REGION~$sleep 40~$aws synthetics describe-canaries --name eks-workshop-canary --region $AWS_REGION~$aws synthetics start-canary --name eks-workshop-canary --region $AWS_REGION~$aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm \--alarm-name "eks-workshop-canary-alarm" \--metric-name SuccessPercent \--namespace CloudWatchSynthetics \--statistic Average \--period 60 \--threshold 95 \--comparison-operator LessThanThreshold \--dimensions Name=CanaryName,Value=eks-workshop-canary \--evaluation-periods 1 \--alarm-description "Alarm when Canary success rate drops below 95%" \--unit Percent \--region $AWS_REGION
This sets up a canary that checks the health of your application every minute and a CloudWatch alarm that triggers if the success percentage falls below 95%.
With these steps completed, your application is now scaled across to two instances in AZs and you've set up the necessary monitoring for the upcoming AZ failure simulation experiment.