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Privileged Container with sensitive mount

In this lab you will be creating a container with privileged Security Context, with root level access in the default Namespace of your EKS Cluster. This privileged container will also have a sensitive directory from the host, mounted and accessible as a volume within your container.

This exercise will generate two different findings, PrivilegeEscalation:Kubernetes/PrivilegedContainer which indicates that a container was launched with Privileged permissions, and Persistence:Kubernetes/ContainerWithSensitiveMount indicating a sensitive external host path mounted inside the container.

To simulate the finding you'll be using a pre-configure manifest with some specific parameters already set, SecurityContext: privileged: true and also the volume and volumeMount options, mapping the /etc host directory to /host-etc Pod volume mount.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: ubuntu-privileged
- name: ubuntu-privileged
image: ubuntu
- containerPort: 22
privileged: true
- mountPath: /host-etc
name: host-etc
- name: host-etc
path: /etc
restartPolicy: Never

Apply the manifest shown above with the following command:

~$kubectl apply -f ~/environment/eks-workshop/modules/security/Guardduty/mount/privileged-pod-example.yaml

This Pod will just run once, until it reaches the State Completed

Within a few minutes we'll see the two finding PrivilegeEscalation:Kubernetes/PrivilegedContainer and Persistence:Kubernetes/ContainerWithSensitiveMount in the GuardDuty Findings console.

Privileged container finding

Sensitive mount finding

Once again take sometime to analyze the Finding details, Action, and Detective Investigation.

Cleanup the Pod by running the command below:

~$kubectl delete -f ~/environment/eks-workshop/modules/security/Guardduty/mount/privileged-pod-example.yaml